There are two disciplinary areas in Collegio Superiore: the humanistic-economic area and the technical-scientific area. The didactic offer is structured into integrated courses, seminars, ISA Lectures and in-depth projects. Check out the offer for 2023-2024!
Go to pageWith DD 001588 of 14/10/2022, the MUR confirmed the equivalence, for legal purposes, of the diplomas issued by the Collegio Superiore of Bologna, starting from the academic year 2020/21, to a second level Master Universitario , referred to in Article 3, paragraph 9, of the Ministerial Decree 22 October 2004, n. 270.
Students of the Collegio Superiore, upon completion of a 5- or 6-year interdisciplinary academic program that includes at least 60 ECTS, obtain a diploma equivalent to a second level Master Universitario .
The Psychological Support Desk for Students of the Collegio Superiore at the University of Bologna is active, in collaboration with Prof. Federica Andrei and a team from the Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari." The service offers psychological consultation and support for students and Tutors. For more information, contact