
Seminars, lectures, workshops and presentations organized by the Institute of Advanced Studies.

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26 JANUARY 2021


RNA: Biological Functions and Therapeutic Potential

Online event

Battistini Lecture by Dr. Marco Marcia, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)

19 JANUARY 2021


Extreme events: how to describe and predict them using mathematical theories

Online event

Lecture by Sandro Vaienti, University of Toulon, France

15 DECEMBER 2020


Translating texts which do not exist. Pseudo-originality, multistable figures, and Fortini's literary reception of Heine and Brecht

Online event

Battistini Lecture by Dr. Irene Fantappiè, Institut für Romanische Philologie, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

10 DECEMBER 2020


Hearing for All: Overcoming Borders in Acoustic Communication

Online event

European Netias Lecture by Birger Kollmeier, Professor and Chairperson, Medical Physics and Cluster of Excellence Hearing4All, Universität Oldenburg, Germany

01 DECEMBER 2020


Data in public communications, history, impact, and key lessons for scientists and policy-makers

Online event

Battistini Lecture by Giuseppe Sollazzo, National Health Service, UK

24 NOVEMBER 2020


What opera tells us about language, speech, music

Lecture by Costantino Maeder, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium

19 NOVEMBER 2020


Learning a different language: Reading Shubhangi Swarup’s The Latitudes of Longing and Aimee Liu’s Glorious Boy in the context of anthropological documentation and the consolidation of the Indian nation state

Online event

European Netias Lecture by Dr. Arunima Bhattacharya, Postdoctoral Research Assistant on AHRC funded project, The Other from Within: Indian Anthropologists and the Birth of a Nation. School of History, University of Leeds. Visiting Research Fellow at IASH (2019-20).

17 NOVEMBER 2020


Organisational Learning and Adaptation to Address Complex Societal Challenges

Online event

Battistini Lecture by Prof. Federica Angeli, The York Management School, University of York, UK

10 NOVEMBER 2020


Culturing human tumours in a dish: research and ethics

Online event

Battistini Lecture by Dr. Francesco Cambuli, USA Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (New York, USA) - Molecular Pharmacology Program - The Karuna Ganesh Laboratory

05 NOVEMBER 2020


Beyond the Borders of the Lab. Charmed Particles: a Novel about the Search for a Site for the Superconducting Super Collider (SSC)

Online event

European Netias Lecture by Chrissy Kolaya, University of Central Florida, USA

27 OCTOBER 2020


Scholarship and Art: Visual and Intellectual Encounters across the Mediterranean

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, via Marsala 26, Bologna - In presence and online event

Lecture by Anna Contadini, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK

22 OCTOBER 2020


Spatial Perception and Genre Borders

Online event

European Netias Lecture by Merja Polvinen, Senior Lecturer in English Philology, University of Helsinki, Finland