Awards and honours

The Institute of Advanced Studies supports merit and achievements in all areas of science and culture

ISA Doctoral Prize

Financial contribution aimed at the research activities of PhDstudents at the University of Bologna, on an annual basis

A.Y. 2023/2024

The award consists of 10 prizes of 2,000 euros each, to be invested in research-related activities. ISA Doctoral prizes can be awarded to 10 PhD students enrolled in the 2nd year (38th cycle) of a PhD program at the University of Bologna.

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A.Y. 2022/2023

The award consisted of 9 prizes of 2,000 euros each, to be invested in research-related activities. ISA Doctoral prizes has been awarded to 9 PhD students enrolled in the 2nd year (37th cycle) of a PhD program at the University of Bologna.

ISA Medal for Sciences

The highest honour awarded in recognition of research contributions characterized by both excellence and influence.

The awarding

It is awarded by the Rector of the University of Bologna and by the Director of the Institute of Advanced Studies to individuals or groups for their contribution to knowledge in science and technology as well as in human, social and behavioral sciences.

Award winners are selected by the board of ISA Visiting upon motivated proposal provided by professors and researchers of Unibo.

The assegnees

  • 2019 - Naomi Ellemers
  • 2018 - Gautam Desiraju
  • 2015 - Robert Putnam
  • 2014 - Emilio Ambasz
  • 2013 - Richard P. Bagozzi
  • 2012 - Jean-Paul Jacqué - Michael Freeden
  • 2011 - Giacomo Rizzolatti
  • 2010 - Bernard Lassus - Ronald L. Phillips
  • 2009 - Tomas Hokfelt
  • 2008 - Alfred Imre Tauber - Model CGMY (Peter Carr, Héliette Geman, Dilip Madan, Marc Yor)
  • 2007 - Bruno Latour - Dag Prawitz
  • 2006 - Thom Mayne - Jean Marie Lehn

Lions Claudio Bonivento Prize

Annual prize rewarding the best doctoral theses discussed at the University of Bologna.

The awarding

The award, instituted in 2009, alternates over the years between Area 2 "Technological" and Area 1 "Scientific".
It aims to enhance the commitment of young people in the field of scientific research and technological innovation - at the PhD level - stimulating and encouraging investment in scientific research as a cultural, ethical and moral approach to real and sustainable growth.

The winner is selected among the best PhD theses submitted and discussed by students of the PhD Programme Degrees of the University of Bologna, according to scientific contents, originality, applications and social value.

It is scientifically supported by the Research Area and the Institute of Advanced Studies (ISA) of the Univeristy of Bologna and is funded and organised by Lions Club Bologna.

Honorary Fellowship

To distinguished personalities for their contribution to research.

Awarded Honorary Fellowships

  • Priyank Shukla, as a sign of recognition for his long-standing support to the activities of the Institute of Advanced Studies and for his contribution to the inception of the International PhD College coworking project
  • Maria Cristina De Sanctis, Institute for Space Astrophysics and Planetology - INAF, Italy, as a sign of recognition and appreciation for her outstanding contribution to a better understanding of the Solar System through the study of thermic evolution of planetary bodies and involvement as PI in several space missions.
  • Mauricio G. C. Resende, University of Washington, USA, in recognition of his contribution to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems.
  • Kenneth Goldsmith, Museum of Modern Art di New York, as a sign of recognition and appreciation for his outstanding contribution to civic awareness through the study and practice of conceptual poetry.
  • Francois-Pierre Martin, Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences, Switzerland, as a sign of recognition and appreciation for his outstanding contribution in the studies about the gut microbiota-host co-metabolic network
  • Liu Fengjun, Director of the Art and Archaeology Institute, Shandong University, People Republic of China, for his outstanding contributions to the archaeology, namely on discovery and research of Gukewen and early stages of Chinese writings, to which he added valuable results on the modern Chinese painting and calligraphy that deserved him numerous awards and prizes
  • Frances Westall, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France, as a sign of recognition and appreciation for the quality of her studies and the impact of her research in the field of astrobiology.
  • Luca Comai, Department of Plant Biology and Genome Center, UC Davis, for his contribution to research in theoretical and applied genetics for the genetic improvement of plants.
  • Sanjaya Rajaram, President Resource Seeds International and 2014 World Food Prize Laureate.


The Fellowship is provided on the occasion of relevant international events at Unibo.